Our social skills program is based on the "Capable Kids" model and
aimed at children between 6 and 12 years of age. The program is offered
either as a group based intervention or individually. Both children and
at least one parent is required to attend. When children are seen in a
group, we usually try to maintain no more than four years age gap
between the youngest and oldest members. For this reason some familes
may find the individual program more beneficial.
Our social skills program includes 10 sessions, divided to three
segments. Sessions 1 to 8 are run on a weekly basis and forms the more
intensive part of the treatment. Session 9 is usually held 2 weeks
after session 8, and the last session is held a month after session 9.
This structure allows a better integration of the program and pleanty
of opportunity for feedback.
We cover a range of issues in these sessions, accompanied by examples, role play exercises and help from parents. The main topics we cover are body language, sending out messages, listening skills, meeting other kids and adults, friendships and maintaining friends, co-operation, assertiveness techniques, speaking up and saying "no", dealing with bullying and bulding self-esteem.
Checking on your progress and discussing potential setbacks and difficulties. We will discuss relapse prevention and what to do when re-appear.
We provide a follow up where you can have your say. What works and what does not work for you and your child. What is it that you tried to correct the difficulties? Moving forward.