Academic achievement ability refers to how much basic academic
skills a child has at any given stage. These skills are defined as
reading, writing, arithmetic skills and comprehension.
At CPAC we offer individual assessment of academic abilities.
We prepare professional and detailed reports that will assist both
parents and teachers to plan for children's academic future, such
as special education programs, enrichment, extension or
acceleration programs. Our reports are recognised by the Board of
Studies and also accepted by international schools aboard.
Measuring achievement ability is similar to the measurement of intellectual ability . Tests of achievement are divided into separate indexes that aim to assess reading, written language, mathematics and comprehension. Classifications of achievement are listed below:
In most cases our test results reliably predict school performance. However, there are a number of factors that parents need to take into account when they think about test results. Achievement ability reflects a child's academic performance at the time of testing and it can change over time. Schools can also differ in their composition of students who may not reliably compare to a given test's sample characteristics. A child may perform relatively low/high on an achievement test, but his/her actual school performance may still be higher/lower than the average class results.